วันพุธที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Tiwanaku Alien and Evolution

Science is nothing other than discovery and understanding things. To some its a study to others an adventure. One of the earliest of sciences it fails to loose its place as the number one in research and development. Every year great minds mull over the year that has been and list what the top 10 or 20 science discoveries for the year are.

In 2006 leaders among science discoveries were:

1. A chance to know mankinds primordial past by the study of comet particles brought back to earth by NASAs spaceship Stardust. The comet particles are said to contain gases and dust from the formation of the solar system 4.6 billion years ago. Around 150 scientists all over the world are involved in the study of and discovery from the comet remains.

2. Paleontologists have found in Nunavut in Canada a 375 million year old fossil that bridges the gap between land and aquatic creatures. Names Tiktaalik roseae or fishapod the fossil may well solve many mysteries of evolution.

3. For years mankind has attempted to reach the core of the earth. In April 2006 ateam of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program was able to drill a mile into the ocean crust and collect intact samples of the crusts various layers which includes the deepest layer known as gabbro.

4. A Russian Grigory Perelman resolved a complex Mathematical problem known as Poincares Conjecture. For this achievement he was awarded the prestigious Fields Medal by the International congress of Mathematicians.

5. The discovery of nano creatures in acid sludge in mines could lead the way to understanding life forms that survive under extreme conditions. Organisms that live in mine sludge oxidize iron to get sustainable energy.

6. An antiquarian book written in 1650 contains important information on traditional healing methods used Indonesia.

7. Genetic studies revealed that human and chimpanzee ancestors could have inbred more than 6.3 million years ago.

8. A crash between two galaxies enabled scientists to detect invisible dark matter for the first time.
9. Ocean research teams discovered that a large area of the South Pacific had almost no sea floor sediment.

10. Research showed that starlings could learn and recognize grammatical patterns called recursion once thought to be uniquely a human language trait.

In an attempt to understand himself and life mankind has continuously studied all aspects of life past and present. Physics, math, biology, chemistry, anthropology, nutrition, medicine, molecular and astronomy among many other fields contribute to understanding mans evolution and the creation of a sustainable future. It is study, brainstorming, and debate that led to discovery. Every year experts review the year that has been. As always lists are not stringent and a matter of choice and taste. It is not what leads but the knowledge of what has happened that is important.

The World Wide Web hosts thousands of websites that bring science closer to lay persons and knowledge on the internet promotes learning and an understanding of how science works.

About Author

Barry Allen is a freelance writer for http://www.1888pressrelease.com , the premier website to Submit Free Press Release for any announcements including launching of new product or services, new website, announcing new hires, sponsoring a special event or seminar and more. His article profile can be found at the premier Article Submission Directory http://www.1888articles.com

Source: ArticleTrader.com

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